Ever since I learned the folklore and myth surrounding the ancient mandrake, I've been drawn to this little man root. With needle in hand, I thought I'd make a few out of wool, and include their story, to give as gifts for friends who need a good luck charm, love Harry Potter, or are trying to get pregnant (mandrakes are supposedly helpful in this endeavor if placed under the pillow at night). May consider selling them on Etsy, if they are well received. ~ Kim
I love him! Definitely put him on etsy. So sweet, in an anthropomorphic way.
I too love him.
i love mandrakes to and love the folklore that comes with it. here's the first mandrake i've ever drew and i made it into a postcard:
i adore your little mandrake. if you ever wanted to do a trade, i would do it in a minute:)
(if that sounds good, my email is hellosparrow at gmail dot com) :)
absolutely put him on etsy. he'd be a hit. he's darling.
Id be the first to buy him! do it!
Oh, he is wonderful! So soft and sweet. I once made a mandrake from clay. You can see him here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/seabelly/2521272361/in/set-72157605246041420/
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