Friday, July 10, 2009

Felted Stones with Tentacles

Felted stones © Kim Buchheit and Mother Nature
I recently finished needle felting some very large stones using Kool-Aid dyed roving. Dying the wool was lots of fun and the neon powder made my kitchen smell like summers from years gone by! Perhaps my next video tutorial should be on dying with Kool-Aid... would you like that?


FELT 4U said...

I love the Kool Aid colors, however they are unavailable in Israel. Great idea to write about dying with Kool aid
check out our blog

Linda said...

I love-love your work!

Kim van Waardenburg said...

Love the stones and the way you have felted them!! Didi you really felted them only by needle??? I would use the wetfelt technique....

Kim Buchheit said...

thanks for the nice comments, all!

viltk, yes, i completely needle-felted these large stones. i wet-felted several small stones (see earlier post) and one very large one before trying the needle-felting technique — and, while i liked that look, the needle-felted stones feel more plush... and i find there is something incongruous and wonderful about methodically cocooning rocks in this way.